You own a solar and wind energy business and have invested in building a beautiful website that doesn’t generate any sales or business online. In that case, it’s time to reconsider your website design. A website should attract customers, encourage them to act, and provide your business with the information your target audience wants.

If not, then go through the quick assessment to get answers to all your questions.

The Purpose of the Assessment 

Is Your Website Driving Customers Away?

We designed this assessment for US solar and wind energy companies. The assessment aims to evaluate your current website’s effectiveness and provide actionable insights to enhance your online presence.

Importance of a Well Designed Website for Your Business

In today’s digital age, your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. According to Epos Now, studies suggest businesses with a website see 15-50 % more growth than those without one.

A well-designed and optimized website attracts visitors and converts them into leads and customers. It is important to note that solar and wind energy companies and every industry and business require a solid online presence.

A well-designed professional website is crucial for showcasing your expertise, services, and commitment to sustainability.

Before you go through the in-depth assessment, take an overview of the assessment process.

We divided this website performance assessment into four key sections, each focusing on essential aspects of website effectiveness:

  1. User Experience Evaluation
  2. Design and Visual Appeal
  3. Content and Engagement
  4. SEO and Online Visibility.

By the end of this assessment, you will clearly understand how good your website is at generating business and also get some actionable tips to improve its performance.

Website Assessment to Evaluate It Capable Enough to Attract Customers and Generate Business

#1 User Experience Evaluation


Navigation is the first impression visitors have of any website. According to Top Design Firms, around 38% of users prioritize a website’s layout and navigation when visiting for the first time, so evaluating the navigation of your solar wind energy website is essential.

Checklist to evaluate your website navigation is good –

Evaluate if your website has a clear and intuitive navigation structure that lets visitors quickly find information about products, services, and contact details.

Here are some checklist points you should check:

  • Is the navigation menu organized logically?
  • Can users find what they need within a few clicks?
  • Are important pages like services, products, and contact easily accessible?

Expert tip –

A user-friendly navigation structure ensures visitors can quickly and effortlessly navigate your site, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement.

Improve Navigation Now!

Contact us to redesign your website’s navigation for a better user experience.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is a factor you must pay attention to if you want to make your business successful online. According to HubSpot, mobile optimized websites have a 64% higher conversion rate than non-optimized websites.

According to ExplodingTopics, 60% of website traffic comes from mobile, so if your website is not mobile-friendly, chances are already half that someone will land on it.

Here are some points to check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not.

  • Check if your website is fully responsive on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Does your website adjust seamlessly to different screen sizes?
  • Is the content easily readable on mobile devices?
  • Are mobile users able to navigate and interact with all features without issues?

Tip for the improvement –

With a growing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, optimizing for mobile friendliness is crucial to retaining and converting mobile traffic.

Optimize Your Mobile Experience!

Contact us now for optimize your website on mobile

#2 Website Design and Visual Appeal

Design and visuals make websites attractive to visitors. Right images and icons help visitors understand your services, and proper design allows them to easily navigate through all the information you want to show.

Visual Design

  • Compare modern design elements with outdated examples to illustrate the impact of visual appeal on user trust and engagement.
  • Modern design: Clean layouts, high-quality images, and intuitive user interfaces.
  • Outdated design: Cluttered layouts, low-resolution images, and confusing navigation.

Expert tip –

Visual appeal plays a significant role in establishing credibility and attracting visitors. A well-designed website instills confidence in your brand and encourages longer visitor sessions.

Revamp Your Design Today!

Contact us now for complete website redesign

Loading Speeds

Your website’s loading speed is critical; according to HubSpot data, 41% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. According to Think with Google, 53% of visitors abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load on mobile. 

So it is good if your mobile website loads in under 3 seconds. Use the following checklist to check the loading speed of your website:

Performance Checklist:

Evaluate your website’s loading speed using tools like PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.

  • Is your website loading within 3 seconds?
  • Identify factors contributing to slow loading times, such as large images or unoptimized code.
  • Implement strategies to improve loading speeds for a better user experience and SEO rankings.

Expert tip –

Faster loading times lead to lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates, making it essential for retaining visitors and improving overall site performance.

Speed Up Your Website Now!

Case study: How We Do WordPress Website Speed Optimization

#3 Content and Engagement

This is the third key factor in our list that you should check.

Content Quality

You also heard the term “Content is The King.” Yes, this still works for the website to rank in search engine results and drive organic traffic. Content is like you talking to your customers in store and answering all the questions that come to their minds.

So, when you use engaging, relevant, and appropriate content that your customers are looking for, the chances are higher that your potential visitor will become your customer.


  • Evaluate the quality and relevance of your website content, including text, images, and videos.
  • Does your content effectively communicate your services and expertise?
  • the information up-to-date and relevant to your target audience?
  • Your visuals engaging and reflective of your brand’s identity?

Expert tip –

Keep in mind that engaging content educates visitors and encourages them to explore further and take desired actions, such as contacting your company.

Call-to-Action (CTA) Effectiveness

Call to action (CTA) encourages website visitors to take actions that align with your business goals. Websites without CTAs do not get any business. According to Solution17, relevant and well-placed CTAs on a website increase revenue by 83%.

To analyze your solar and wind energy website, use the call-to-action button correctly. Take a quiz.


Assess the clarity and effectiveness of your current CTAs throughout your website.

  • Are CTAs prominently displayed and clearly articulated?
  • Do they guide visitors towards taking specific actions, such as requesting a quote or subscribing to updates?
  • Analyze examples of effective CTAs that drive user engagement and conversions.

Examples: Best practices for crafting compelling CTAs that encourage immediate action and foster a sense of urgency among visitors.

Optimize Your CTAs!

Consult with us to create powerful CTAs that drive conversions and maximize your website’s performance

#4 SEO and Online Visibility

Your website’s organic search engine visibility depends on your complete SEO, which includes on-page technical and off-page SEO. The power of SEO often goes unnoticed by business owners, but when executed correctly, it can generate a substantial amount of business.

Check your website’s basic SEO elements with our checklist.

SEO Performance


Evaluate essential SEO elements such as meta tags, keywords, and alt text for images.

  • Are your meta titles and descriptions optimized with relevant keywords?
  • Is your website structured so that search engine crawlers can index effectively?
  • Identify opportunities to improve on-page and off-page SEO to increase organic traffic.

Expert tip –

SEO is a cornerstone of digital marketing, driving visibility and traffic to your website. A well-optimized site improves search engine rankings and enhances brand visibility.

Local Search Optimization

If your business is local or in a particular area, then local SEO is important for your website so that local customers can find your business online.

Here is a checklist to assess your local SEO.


Evaluate your website’s local search optimization to draw in local customers looking for solar and wind energy solutions.

  • Are local keywords integrated into your content and meta tags?
  • Have you claimed and optimized your Google My Business listing for local visibility?
  • Implement strategies to enhance your presence in local search results and connect with local customers.

Expert tip –

How to leverage local SEO tactics, such as geo-targeted content and local business citations, to dominate local search rankings.


Throughout this assessment, you’ve evaluated critical aspects of your website’s effectiveness in attracting and converting visitors. Feel free to talk to us if you need to redesign your website.

Schedule a Free Consultation to Discuss Your Results!

Ready to transform your solar and wind energy website into a high-performing asset? Schedule a free consultation with our expert web designers team to discuss your assessment results and explore customized solutions for your business.