12 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Web Design Company

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1. How much experience do you have?

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This will help to understand their level of expertise ensures quality outcomes.

2. What kinds of websites have you designed?

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Knowing their range demonstrates versatility and adaptability.

3. Can you show me some websites you have designed?

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Viewing past work helps gauge compatibility and style.

4. What kind of results did those websites experience?

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Learning about past results indicates potential success.

5. How will your design help me reach my goals?

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Aligning design with goals maximizes effectiveness.

6. How long will it take to design my website?

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Knowing the timeline aids in planning and expectations.

7. How many revisions are you willing to make?

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Revisions ensure the final product meets expectations.

8. How closely will you work with our company?

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Close collaboration fosters a tailored solution.

9. How will we communicate during the design process?

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Clear communication streamlines the process and reduces misunderstandings.

10. Is any SEO integrated into your web design?

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Integrated SEO boosts visibility and online presence.

11. How much will my new web design cost?

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Cost transparency allows for budgeting and decision-making.

12. Can I contact you for future updates to my design?

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Future updates maintain relevance and competitiveness.

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